How to File Bankruptcy from your home

Easy fast Filing bankruptcy from your home with Blaschko Law Firm

Our technology allows for you to stay homewhile we prepare your bankruptcy.

Minnesota Bankruptcy Filing from your home.

Get professional legal assistance from an experienced bankruptcy attorney as we make filing a bankrutpcy from your home easy. The only time you ever have to appear is for a 341 hearing and even then we may be able to accommodate phone hearings as long as the Bankruptcy Court continues to allow them. We will conduct phone and/or video conferences with you to discuss your case. We can communicate over text, email, chat and through our secure online portal to upload and exchange documents.       

Blaschko Law Firm's process is a fast, easy, and simple way to file your MN Bankruptcy filing from the comfort of your home. We provide online assistance and communicate through phone, email, text and (yes, even mail). You have your own account manager and bankruptcy attorney available at any time to answer questions and assist you through this process. We don't waste your time or make you drive long distances to wait and then sit in meetings. We can answer your questions on how bankruptcy works, get your bankruptcy documents needed, and help you file your bankruptcy from the comfort of your home. To get started now see our online Bankrutpcy Questionnaire or contact us for more information.

During Covid 19, all bankruptcy hearings were held remotely. Depending what the court determines in the future, you may have to appear in person for the 341 Court hearing at one of several locations throughout Minnesota. This meeting is usually only about 10-15 minutes and in emergency situations we can make other arrangements for people unable to attend.

Minnesota Bankruptcy Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 petitions

These days, more and more people find themselves in a situation where they need to file Bankruptcy. For more information click on filing a Minnesota Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Petition or a Minnesota Chapter 13 Bankruptcy petition. Blaschko Law Firm has a mission to help consumers eliminate overwhelming personal debt from creditors and collections such as credit card, medical bills, mortgages, and other debts from foreclosure, loss of a job, and other hardships. We help you get the fresh start debt relief from a bankruptcy petition filing to eliminate debt and give you a fresh start in life. Clients are usually able to keep their home, car, and any retirement or pensions they have. Most people that use our service are individuals suffering from debt incurred due to the current mortgage crisis or unemployment. Blaschko Law Firm helps consumers start over and gain financial freedom.

Contact a Saint Paul Bankruptcy Lawyer Today

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