Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

A Bankruptcy liquidation Plan

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Information

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Lawyers

These days, more and more people are needing to file Chapter 7 Bankruptcy. Chapter 7's main purpose is to help consumers eliminate overwhelming personal debt such as credit card, medical bills, mortgages, and other debts from foreclosure, loss of a job, and other hardships.

We help you get the bankruptcy relief from a chapter 7 bankruptcy petition filing to eliminate debt and give you a fresh start in life. Clients are usually able to keep their home, car, and any retirement or pensions they have.

Most people that fall under this category are individuals suffering from debt incurred due to last year's pandemic Covid 19,  unemployment. and unanticipated expenses. This form of bankruptcy will help consumers start over and gain financial freedom.

A person must meet certain income requirements to qualify for a Chapter 7. If you have substantial income or assets you may only qualify for a a Chapter 13 repayment plan. However some people who qualify for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy choose to file a Chapter 13 to protect assets that could not be protected under a Chapter 7 such as being in default on their home.

We will review your situation to determine which chapter is right for you depending on your situation and goals in filing bankruptcy.


Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Pricing

A Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing starts as low as $600 for an individual filing a simple Chapter 7 Bankruptcy petition. This pricing depends on qualifications in order receive this low price. Special issues such as owning cabins, rental homes, rush filings, married, self-employed or large assets will increase fees. If you have multiple complicating factors your fees will be higher than this but we are competitively priced with other bankruptcy attorneys.

Most of our clients pay a legal fee for our services between $1,000 to $1,500 depending on their situation. This is a flat fee that covers all of our expenses and costs to obtain credit reports and other documents. All Chapter 7 bankruptcy petition filings require an additional $338 filing fee as of 2021 paid to the bankruptcy court.


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